Flexibility Training

Flexibility Training

Flexibility training programs are an essential component of all physical fitness programs. The more active a person is throughout their lifetime, the more flexible they will be. To obtain balance essential for proper alignment during activity, ones connective tissue needs to be stretched throughout a full range of motion. When connective tissue is not properly stretched, it becomes shorter and less resilient. To enhance positive tissue adaptability and reduce ones wear and tear, regular stretching thought out one’s life can have positive effect.

Advantages of flexibility training:

• Prevents muscle and joint injuries
• Improves coordination, and balance
• Improves posture and balance
• Relieves muscle tension
• Improves circulation, blood flow to aid on moving freely
• Increase range of motion
• Improves recovery time
• Flushes out lactic acid

During a training program with Kim, clients first warm up the muscles to reduce stiffness. Warming up increases circulation and blood flow to muscles, preparing them for their work out.

Injuries can occur when muscles are cold, tight or the person is moving to fast. When the muscles recognize that the are being stretched, they are less prone to injury. Working with a professional can help you prevent these injuries.

Flexibility training will also help muscle imbalances. When one muscle is more warmed up than others are, imbalances can occur. Poor coordination, injuries, strained muscles are all signs of muscle imbalances.

It is most important that each training program emphasize the major muscle groups. In addition, attention paid to the specific activity or exercise one will engage in. Each training program should be tailored to each clients needs based on their fitness assessment.

Proper functional flexibility improves the stability and mobility of each person individually. The program needs to fit their lifestyle activity level and their type of exercise and sport.

There are different types of stretching used for different activities. Dynamic stretching is done gradually. Generally is a slow controlled movement. Where as static stretching is done by holding a stretch for 20-30 seconds. This stretching can increase flexibility.

When clients have a complete fitness evaluation with Kim, she includes flexibility, strength, cardio endurance, and balance testing. After your evaluation testing, an individual program is designed for each client based on his or her evaluation, lifestyle, and goals. Most programs include flexibility, strength training, core training, and cardio training.

Kim’s goal is to assist you with motivation, education, and accountability, so you can look and feel your best everyday!


Call To Get Started Today!

561 883-7915