Good health and the peace of mind it brings are goals most people aspire to. Kim, the founder of ‘KICKWITHKIM”designed Kickwithkim LLC to help people do just that. Fascinated from a young age how the human body functioned, was the impetus to Kim’s career. Kim also a lover of animals, not only has adopted many, but also makes the time to help animals in need.
Having a voracious appetite to learn and share, Kim started marketing a vitamin and natural product company’s products in the early 80’s on LI, N.Y. While her business grew, she also continued her studies in the field of health including, exercise, nutrition and attended numerous business courses. Kim also attended Wilfred Beauty Academy and attained her full cosmetology license, which is still current.
In 1989, she opened Health-N-Harmony, a health food store in up state N.Y. that catered to the athlete, and local families. While also working as a fitness trainer, she had much success with her weight loss, bodybuilding, and make over programs using natural skin care, make up and beauty products.
Although having enjoyed the mountains, Kim decided to relocate to a warmer climate in Boca Raton Fl. Using her knowledge, skills, experience and education, she designed Kickwithkim LLC. Kim attended additional school in Florida, and currently is a Nationally Certified, Insured Personal Trainer in addition to certifications in CPR and First Aid. Kim is also in progress to complete her training a holistic lifestyle coach.
Kim spends her time teaching her clients how to exercise, choose healthy foods, and make healthy life style choices. As one can see my many testimonies posted on her web site, those that participate in her programs, have changed their lives for the better. Kim’s business is based on her many referrals form not only Florida, but all over the country.
Kim annually attends sports training, fitness and wellness conferences to keep her education current. Additionally continues her continued education in all facets of fitness and health, and healthy eating. See link on this site “Specialty Programs”, and” Continuing Education” to see some of the many classes Kim attends to keep her clients in tip top shape.
Kim, was also a veterinary representative for numerous nutritional companies. Kim met with pet store, Shelters, Veterinary Dr’s and related businesses to teach the importance of proper nutrition for our animals. Kim has adopted many pets during her lifetime, including assisting injured animals, and offered many pet products in her former health food store. Kim is PASSIONATE About Helping Animals, animal shelters, animal rescue leagues, adoption centers that are in need and wants to help raise international awareness to adopt animals to save lives. After vising over 100 shelters,, Kim was devastated how these volunteers work tirelessly around the clock, and found so many of them really need assistance, food, water, more cages, more staff, new roofs, more Vet’s on board. Kim feels if everyone helped a little bit, we could get a lot done here. Kim encourages everyone to help, if in even in a little way, 1 step and 1 animal at a time.
Kim Working at Veterinary Conventions In Florida introducing nutritional products to the Doctors attending the conferences for over 10 years, while representing formidable manufacturers. In addition to attending and representing for manufacturers at Health Food Conventions, Fitness conventions, and some cosmetology conventions as well.
Additionally, Kim is also a Florida dealer for Whole Body Vibration machines. Machines are provided by Kim,and teaches the technology to Dr’s, their staff. In addition many of her clients have purchased them for their home, to aid in their fitness program. The machine produces a stretch reflex that results in muscle contractions. This can help circulation, strengthens bones, improves muscle strength, and range of motion. This technology is combined with proper exercise, not in place of. Kim currently orders them as needed. Originally witnessing her MS and Parkinson clients starting to move, and some walk again was the impetus to Kim’s interest in this technology.
Kickwithkim LLC, does not diagnose,treat or cure any disease. Always check with your Dr. before beginning any new exercise or eating program.
Do something for yourself today, call today for your fitness consultation and evaluation! It will be the best thing you did all day! Call today to make a positive change for your future!
Kim’s New York Health Food Store She designed, Managed, and Owned Prior to Relocating To Florida.
Some Happenings in 2018
Kim and Kitty Tarzan visiting a client at their home in Boca Raton Florida.
Out to dinner with Friends, Dancing at her 2017 Birthday Party, Halloween 2017, Gallivanting out with her Kitty’s